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Load balancing

The pmesh load balancer allows you to configure the load balancing strategy, the session kind, the retry policy, and the error handling for 4xx, 5xx, and 404 responses.

attempts: 3
backoff: 1s
timeout: 10s
strat: round-robin
state: sticky
limit: 1/s block_after=2/s block_for=10m
- log "hi"
- log "bad user! bad!"
- log "bad server!"

Retry Policy | retry

  • Type: object
  • Default: { attempts: 8, backoff: 500ms, timeout: 30s }

The retry field is an object that defines the retry policy for the app.

attempts: 3
backoff: 1s
timeout: 10s

The attempts field is the number of attempts to make before giving up, the backoff field is the initial backoff time, and the timeout field is the maximum time to wait for the app to become ready.

This is used to handle the case where the app crashes or fails to start, and pmesh will attempt to restart it a few times before giving up.

The backoff time is exponentially increased with each attempt.

Load Balancing Strategy | strat

  • Type: least | random | round-robin | hash
  • Default: round-robin

The strat field is a string that defines the load balancing strategy for the app.

The available strategies are:

  • least: The least connections strategy.
  • random: The random strategy.
  • round-robin: The round-robin strategy.
  • hash: The hash strategy.

State Kind | state

  • Type: sticky | none
  • Default: sticky

The state field is a string that defines the session kind for the app, which can be either sticky or none.

For the sticky session kind, pmesh will use the same backend for the same client, whereas for the none session kind, pmesh will pick a random backend for each request.

If a retriable error occurs during the handling of a request, pmesh will ignore the sticky session and pick a new upstream.

Error Handling | 4xx, 5xx, 404

  • Type: object?
  • Default: null

The 4xx, 5xx, and 404 fields are objects that define the error handling for 4xx, 5xx, and 404 responses.

If the limit field is set, pmesh will rate limit the error responses, for example if the user is sending too many requests, that are resulting in 404 responses, pmesh can block the user for a certain amount of time to prevent abuse.

The handle field can be used to define an optional router that will handle the error responses. If this router, explicitly drops the request, pmesh will not retry the request, and will return the error response to the client. Otherwise, if the request is not completed within the router, it will be retried according to the retry policy.