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Lambda API

Lambdas are a special construct in pmesh that enable 1:1 communication between services located on different nodes without the facilitation of the message broker.

The ability to create universally accessible and invocable functions is a powerful feature that can be used to create a wide variety of applications.

One such example is push notifications on a web page. By creating a lambda associated with each browser window, the server can send messages directly to the browser without the need for a message broker.

This reduces the responsibility of the message broker to simply storing 16-byte keys which can be used to directly call the handler without the need for retry logic or durable storage.

Listing local lambdas | /lambda

To list all registered lambdas, simply make a GET request to the /lambda endpoint. The result is a map of all registered lambdas, with the key being the lambda id and the value being the lambda object.

idstringThe unique identifier of the lambda
timestampstringThe time the lambda was created
codestringThe codec of the lambda
headersmap[string][]stringThe headers of the lambda registration request
Terminal window
$ curl http://pm3/lambda?pretty
"rhowRuuCUoE5vlcA": {
"id": "rhowRuuCUoE5vlcA",
"timestamp": "2024-03-09T04:38:57.413+01:00",
"code": "json-rpc",
"headers": {
"Connection": [
"P-Asn": [
"AS0 Local"
"P-Internal": [
"P-Ip": [
"P-Ip-Geo": [
"Sec-Websocket-Extensions": [
"permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits"
"Sec-Websocket-Key": [
"Sec-Websocket-Version": [
"Upgrade": [
"X-Forwarded-Proto": [
"X-Ray": [

Calling a lambda | /lambda/:id/:method

To invoke a lambda, we simply call the /lambda/:id/:method endpoint with the payload as the request body. Response will be the result of the lambda invocation.

Terminal window
$ curl -X POST http://pm3/lambda/rhowRuuCUoE5vlcA/test -d "{ \"hello\": \"world\" }"

Creating a Lambda | /lambda/new/?:id

To create a new lambda, we need a client capable of Websocket communication. The client should connect to the /lambda/new endpoint and wait for the open message, which contains the lambda id. After the lambda is opened, the client will receive messages in the form of JSON-RPC 1.0 requests, which should be responded accordingly.

The ID parameter in the endpoint is only used if the client is re-opening a lambda. If there is no prior identifier, the client should omit this parameter.

You can see an example of the messages exchanged between the client and the server below.

// pmesh informs the client that the lambda is ready to receive messages and it's UID.
<- {"method":"open","params":["rhowRuuCUoE5vlcA"],"id":0}
// The client accepts the state and informs the server that it's ready to receive messages.
-> { id: 0, result: 'ok' }
// pmesh relays a request to the client
<- {"method":"test","params":[{"hello":"world"}],"id":1}
// The client responds with the result of the request
-> { id: 1, result: { echo: { hello: 'world' } } }

For a complete implementation of a lambda client using Node.js and the ws package, see the example below.

import { WebSocket, createWebSocketStream } from "ws";
// Creates a new lambda, returns the ID.
async function newLambda(handler: Record<string, (body: any) => any>): Promise<string> {
// Create a websocket stream to the lambda endpoint
const duplex = createWebSocketStream(new WebSocket("ws://pm3/lambda/new"), { encoding: "utf-8" });
// Define the message handler
async function handle(id: any, method: string, body: any) {
let resp;
try {
resp = { id, result: await handler[method](body) };
} catch (error) {
resp = { id, error: `${error}` };
// Return a promise that resolves to the lambda ID when the lambda is opened
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
// For each message received:
for await (const message of duplex) {
const { method, params, id } = JSON.parse(message);
// A special case for the "open" method, which is sent when the lambda is opened to inform
// the client that the lambda is ready to receive messages and it's UID.
if (method === "open") {
// Accept the state and resolve the promise
duplex.write(JSON.stringify({ id, result: "ok" }));
// Handle the message
handle(id, method, params[0]).catch(console.error);
const id = await newLambda({
test(body) {
return { echo: body };
console.log("id", id);
// id rhowRuuCUoE5vlcA