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Auxiliary Functionality

The API exposes various endpoints for performing auxiliary operations, such as signing URLs and retrieving information about IP addresses.

Sign URL | /sign

urlstringArbitrary URL the request should match to be considered valid.
expiresdatetime?The expiration time of the signed URL.
headersmap[string]string?Headers required to pass verification.
secretsmap[string]string?Headers set after verification.
rewritestring?Internal route used after verification.

Generates a signed URL based on provided parameters, including optional headers and expiration time. Once verified, signed URLs will enable access to internal resources, so it is important to keep the router associated direct and secure.

The result is a string encoded signature that can be used to access the resource. It should be either set as a header X-PSN or appended to the URL as a query parameter psn.

To demonstrate, let’s sign a URL that resolves to our hi.txt file. The path in the signed URL is allowed to be any arbitrary path.

Terminal window
$ curl http://assets.myapi.local/hi.txt
$ curl -X POST http://pm3/sign -d "{\"rewrite\":\"http://assets.myapi.local/hi.txt\", \"url\":\"http://myapi.local/get-hi\", \"expires\":\"2025-01-01T00:00:00Z\"}"
$ curl http://myapi.local/get-hi?psn=jANCSmJioBsYg4vPIh4QftuEaDib21onug2K1rHg-PDWLzJb_DLsNFr2WjswQNFnowvbZTAmO2EmAkTXL2I
$ curl http://myapi.local/get-hi -H "X-PSN: jANCSmJioBsYg4vPIh4QftuEaDib21onug2K1rHg-PDWLzJb_DLsNFr2WjswQNFnowvbZTAmO2EmAkTXL2I"

IP Information | /ipinfo

Retrieves information about a given IP address, including ASN, description, country, and flags.

The request expects:

ipstringThe IP address to lookup.

The result is an object with the following structure:

ipstringThe requested IP address.
asnuint32The Autonomous System Number associated with the IP.
descstringDescription of the ASN.
countrystringThe country code where the IP is located.
flagsuint32Various flags providing additional information about the IP.

Example usage:

Terminal window
$ curl http://pm3/ipinfo -d '{"ip":""}'
"ip": "",
"asn": 15169,
"desc": "GOOGLE",
"country": "US",
"flags": 0